Saturday, January 18, 2014


                       Here is a manifold.Try to do it in Surface with your own dimensions


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                          Get to know each other. Know the differences to be expert in catia

Difference between new file and new from file?
If you save an exiting file in another directory without changing the file name, you will only be able to open one of these files at any given time. If one of them is already open you will not be able to open the others. This is because both files have same UUID.
To avoid this happening each file must have it's own UUID. This can be done by means of the File New from.
To create a new document whose basic Characteristics are same as an exiting document? To do this close document you want to copy if not already closed & select file… New from… After selecting the exiting document from which you want to create a new one & Click open. An exact copy of existing document is displayed with a default name. The only difference between this document and already exiting one is that the new document is new UUID by File--- new from.

Difference between geometrical & dimensional constraints?
Geometric constraint is a relationship that forces a limitation between one or more Geometric elements. Dimensional constraint is a constraint, whose value determines the geometric object measurement.

Difference between stacked dimension & chained dimension mode while using auto
Constraint option?
In stacked dimension all the dimensions will be measured with respect to the reference. In chained dimension the dimensions will be measured one with respect to other.

What is the difference between symmetry command and mirror command?
In Symmetry command, the original sketch is deleted and the new one is created
About the reference plane but with the help of mirror command we can retain both the new one and the original sketch about the reference plane.

Difference between trim and quick trim?
        In trim option, we can extended a line along with trimming of other unwanted elements, in quick trim we can only trim a line or curve and we cannot extend or shorten it.

Difference between axis and construction elements?
Axis is visible in part design mode and can be selected but construction elements are invisible in part design mode and are not selectable.

What is the difference between spine and spline?
SPINE: - creates a curve passing through a point on a plane &normal to one or more other planes.
    SPLINE: - Creates A Curve passing through several points having tangential curvature continuity.

What is the difference between ISOLATE &SEPARATE?
ISOLATE: deletes logical link between the elements
SEPARATE: separate lines, curves &faces from their links with others.
Elements: EX:- A curve is considered as separate when it is linked to only one surface.

What is the difference between PARAMETRIC SOLIDS &NON-PARAMETRIC SOLIDS?
PARAMETRIC SOLID:-Relational model is parametric i.e. One to one relation if any change in dimension that may reflects on other dimensions.
NON-PARAMETRIC SOLIDS:- developing a solid by using surface ,face, solid primitive etc, there is no one to one relation.
Difference b/w PAD &MULTIPAD?
    A pad is used for single profile & multipad is used for multi profile sketch.

What is difference b/w creating design table from current parameters &from pre existing file?
  1. Create design table from current parameter values: - check this option when you want to create a design table from a subset of the document parameters you just have to select among all the document parameter values.
  2. Create design table from pre existing file: - check this option when you want to create a design table from the values of an external file.

Difference b/w PASTE & PASTE SPECIAL?
PASTE: - option in contextual menu enable us to simply copy and paste one location to other. But
PASTE SPECIAL: - option let the original one and us to maintained link b/w pasted feature. Any changes made to the original features, will be seen in the copied if we want & we have liberty to delink the original & copied feature.

How do you differentiate positive and negative body?
A positive body is the one which when assembled with another body it gets added and negative body is the one which when ASSEMBLED with a positive body wile get subtracted & it will get added if BOOLEAN OPERATION, ADD is used instead of ASSEMBLE

What is the differences b/w assemble & add /remove?    
    In ASSEMBLE the nature of the bodies to be assemble are taken in to account. It means, if a negative body is assembled with a positive body it gets subtracted. But if we use add command for the same to bodies then they will get added irrespective of their nature
(+ Ve or –ve) nature REMOVE COMMAND is same as that of the ADD & thus it will not respect the nature of the bodies.

What is the difference b/w affinity &scaling?
SCALING: - resizing the body to the scale that you specify, in all the directions equally.
    AFFINITY: - resizing the body the scale which you specify, in a particular directions only, specified by you.

What is the difference b/w join & heal?
    Using join command we can join the surfaces & using the heal command we can fill the small gap b/w the surfaces.

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Friday, January 17, 2014



                                    ASSEMBLY DESIGN WORK BENCH  NO. 002

What is PLM?
    Product Life Cycle Management: Product Life Cycle Management is the succession of
    strategies used by management as a product goes through its lifecycle.

 What is difference between Product & Component?
    Product is a collection of components. Whereas component is a collection of features.

 What is visualization mode?
    In this mode, only partial data is loaded to the memory of the hard disk. The data will be in
    the sellated form we cannot give constraints to the components in this mode.

What is save extension of assembly file?
    . CAT Product

What is design mode?
    In this mode the data is fully loaded to the memory & we can work on the components. The
    components in visualization mode can be brought into design mode by just double clicking
    on the components but vice versa is not possible by just double clicking.

When we use propagate directory?
    In save management, when we want to save the component files in the same file in which
    product is saved then we use PROPAGATE DIRECTORY. Then automatically the entire
    child files will be propagated to that particular directory.

What is a scene? Where we use it give any one example?
    Scenes enable capturing & restoring the state of components in an assembly in a saved

How many degrees of freedom will be there for any component in an assembly?
    Six degrees of freedom will be there for any constrained component in an assembly.

In an assembly how do I measure degree of freedom of component?
    Activate the component & then go for ANALYZE Degrees of freedom.

What is use of stop manipulated on clash command?
    It will stop the movement of component when clashed, in compass assisted movement.

What is the function of 'overload properties' in contextual menu?
    It gives away us the option not to copy a particular component into the drafting from
    assembly by just selecting it (the particular component) using the contextual menu with '
    overload properties'.

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Thursday, January 16, 2014


                           HERE IS A ANOTHER SET OF INTERVIEW QUESTIONS NO : 0001



  • What is CATIA? What are the different modules of CATIA? What are the main Features of CATIA?
CATIA: Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Applications.
It is used to create three-dimensional geometric models using wire frame, surface and solid modeling constructions.
Additional application modules incorporated with CATIA provide
Capabilities for:
  • Kinematics
  • Robotics
  • FEM mesh generation
  • FEM Solutions
  • NC Mill
  • NC Lathe Programming
  • Piping Design
  • Structural Member Design and
  • Image Generation

Additional Module allows data exchange between CATIA and other application and provide an internal CATIA mathematical routines and user interface.
Main Features of CATIA are:
  • Maintains a full three-dimensional data base
  • Allows direct construction of 3D Wire frame and Solid Module
  • 3D space elements and 2D draw elements can co-exist simultaneously in the same model
  • Automatic generation of machining instruction to drive an NC tool
  • Geometry interface which can accept geometry from other system and analysis programs as well as extract data for delivery to other systems
  • Kinematics module which simulates the movement of part in space
  • Robotics module to simulate a robots work envelope

  • What are the relations b/w SURFACE, FACE, SKIN and VOLUME?
  • A Surface is an infinitely thin, mathematically defined contoured area in space .It is displayed visually by isoperimetric curves and boundary curves.
  • In simple terms a surface is an entity that has length and width, but essentially no thickness.
  • In CATIA Surface is a Parent element for Face and Skin.

  • It is a portion on a surface defined with curves as boundaries or it is a portion in a plane defined with curves or lines as boundaries.
  • Face is a child of surface

  • A skin is a set of joined faces, surfaces, skins, or volumes, similar to the volume, but with a single domain and without closure condition.
    In addition, an offset can be associated with each of the faces.

  • A Volume is a set of joined faces or surface or skins or volume, with total closed domains.
  • While creating Volume the order of selecting the faces is important. Also a Volume can have an inner domain.

  • What is the difference between SOLID EXACT and SOLID MOCK-UP?

SL. NO. 
Exact solids manipulate an exact type, that is, a non-approximated boundary representation.
Mock-up solids manipulate an approximated type B-Rep, that is, a representation resulting from an approximation of the non-planar forms by planar facets.
They are distinguished by having precisely defined surface definition.
They incorporate surfaces that are approximated using discrete planar facts. 
They can be used for all other CATIA operations including NC programming.
They can be used effectively for object visualization, constructing mock-up to validate assembly operations or for kinematics, dynamic and FEM analysis 
These models have applications in more artistic situations with highly contoured surfaces.
Note: All curves are displayed as poly lines with decartelization being determined to achieve the most realistic appearance without excessive computational effort. 
These models are simple but are of little value for applications requiring precise surface definition.

  • What is the difference between PRIMITIVE and FEATURE?
    It is generally the simplest solid elements that can be create.
    The three types of primitives are:
    • Canonical Primitives:    
      • Defined by geometric values:    
      • Defined by contour and geometry values:
        Revolution: elements obtained by rotating an open or
        Closed profile about an axis.
        Sweep: elements obtained by sliding contour along a spine while the normal to the contour plane remains parallel to the tangent to spine.
        From skin surfaces or non-planar faces by
        Closing through offsetting the same surfaces.
        Closing through projection onto a plane.
        Closing using planar faces.


  • Macro Primitives:
    Macro primitives are SOL type elements obtained from dittos (DIT type elements).
    The corresponding detail has SOL type elements itself.

  • A feature is a set of user defined technological object consisting of:
    • Geometry
    • Parametric definition and
    • Technological attributes
  • Normally, features are characterization details of a part that have a strong correspondence or linkage to a particular manufacturing process.
    (Ex: a counter bored hole, a boss around a hole, a pocket)
  • Features are defined by the user or the administrator, stored in the library and used to create parts of features, compound features.

    The first difference between these two operations is that with the SOLIDE+ MODIFY+OPERATION, you must first indicate whether or not this is going to be duplication or replacement. The second major difference between TRANSFORM and MODIFY+OPERATION+DUPLICATE is that transform keeps a link between the originating primitives where MODIFY+OPERATION+DUPLICATE does not. In other words, with transform, if a change is made to the originating solid, the copied solids will also change.

  • What is the difference between SURF1+GEOEXTR and LIMIT2+SURFACE+EXTRAPOLATE?
Extrapolated surface will not be having the same deviation and degree of the original surface but is tangent only to the one side of the surface.
(i.e., straight segment surface) 
Extrapolated surface will be having the same
Shape, deviation and degree of original surface.
Surface generated through extrapolation is separate entity with original surface and needs concatenation of surfaces. 
The resultant surface after extrapolation is single surface.
(i.e., automatically concatenated)

  • What is the use of part Editor Window?
    Part editor allows visualization and real time modification of your designed part by selecting or directly acting on the feature structure of the part.

  • What are contextual menu and its applications?
    Clicking on a branch or feature displays the corresponding contextual menu. This tool help you get commonly used operations faster such as:
    • Color: to change the color of the solid
    • Parent: to manage the parents of the element
    • Delete: to delete the element (=delete no keep)
    • Break: to separate one branch from the whole solid (=delete keep)
    • Active/Inactive: to activate or inactivate the element
      (or only fillets or drafts of the branch)
    • Collapse/Expand: to reduce a whole branch to single component
      (Or vice versa) such as a group of holes
    • Smart/Unsmart: to active or deactivate smart solid.
    Also in part editor, their two types of feature lists can be possible.
  1. Simplified view of feature list:
  2. Detailed view of feature list :- internal views of feature branches and macro primitives are displayed.

  • What is model?
        A Model is an individual drawing, read into main memory for interactive processing.
Model can contain one or more workspaces which in turn can contain one or 4more sets with zero or more elements in each.

  • What are the functions of FORMTOOL?
    • Form tool allows performing semiautomatic filleting, trimming and breaking operation on a shape with sharp edges.
  • Form tool creates surface, face and skin in a single interaction
    • Skins are the main tool of the Form tool function since they allow us to combine faces and consider them as a single entity.
  • Form tool allows creating variable radius fillet.

    • What is the use of LAW function and where is its application?
              The purposes of a law are easy to understand, but its application may be more complex. Laws involve the creation of geometry to control different aspects of a surface. A surface may be controlled by aspects of area, radius (width) or angle. Depending on the transitions that need to make another surface element, users may need to develop 2 dimension wire frame that will dictate how the transition is to be made in ratio proportion to the application of the law geometry. It sounds a lot harder than it is use.

    • What are sets?
            A set is a disjoint group of elements of different types that can be processed together

    • What is an element?
          Elements are the lowest level geometry entity created by their corresponding functions.


    • What is the session?
        Session is a set of models.
    Session is used to allow two or more models to be positioned to create a more complex assembly.
    A Session can contain several 'passive' Models but only a single 'Active' Model, which is the model displayed in the CATIA      workspace.
    A Session is defined by a set of models and a SESSION MANAGER.
    The SESSION MANAGER configures a CATIA session and manages the data
    Working with a session is working in contest; this allows you to visualize your digital mock-up and to perform various simulations.
    A session is stored in a SESSION-type file. It must be considered as a temporary work environment save.     
    No data transfer capability is provided on a session.



    • What is workspace? What is the difference b/w Master and Detail Workspace?    
           Each Model can have one MASTER workspace which is the area in which the model     is created and manipulated. In addition, a model can have zero or more workspace called DETAIL workspace. These are auxiliary workspace that contains elements that are to be duplicated to several locations in the MASTER workspace. In addition, DETAIL workspace can also be organized into separate library files using the LIBRARY Function. These can be shared with many models to allow organizational standardization.

      16. Is it necessary to break cylindrical surface along vertically for generation of faces?
        No need to break the surface because the catia itself automatically create two faces along circumference.

     What is the difference b/w SPACE mode and DRAW mode?
        SPACE MODE:
    a. In space Mode, it is possible but often quite awkward to work directly in the 3D Space. Ex:
         Entering points that lie in a plane can be tedious when three coordinates must be entered for
    each point.
    b. In Space Mod e, CATIA allows the user to temporarily switch into a 2D mode to create,
         view or manipulate elements.
    c. The 2D Mode is very convenient for working with 3D Geometry in the Space Mode of

        DRAW MODE:
  1. The Draw Mode of operation is purely 2D Mode in which CATIA can be used for
        the drafting purpose.
  2. The geometry is 2D only but can be organized into up to 255 views. Each view can
        be defined by a geometry transformation with respect to another view. In this way, it
        is possible to create a multi view orthographic projectio0n engineering drawing.
  3. The Draw Mode can be used independently or it can be used to project a full 3D
        Model into Multiple Orthographic projection for purpose of preparing a traditional
        engineering drawing. This process is referred as CATIA Draw/Space Integration and
        is managed by special CATIA functions.
  4. The Draw Mode is probably the most useful way to generate paper copies of a
        CATIA Model for engineering purposes.

         What is the difference b/w
  1. DITTO,COPY and TRANSFER options in DETAIL function
  2. HELIC Pitch and Redial Pitch in SURF+REVOLUN+UNSPEC
  3. PT type element and CST type element.
  4. ARC and SPLINE

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Here is a drawing test for catia.

Make use of given dimensions and model the given part.
Make the drafting as seen in the given diagram

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Monday, January 13, 2014

Basic Technical Interview Questions


1. Which type of shaft is preferred for power transmission,solid or hollow one?

Hollow shaft utilize material strength more efficiently, so hollow shaft used if you concerned about weight. 
But, when weight is not a concern, solid shaft is better (stronger, of course), easy to fabricate.

2. What is structurally stronger, solid steel or hollow steel?

If a solid and hollow shape have the same outside dimensions, the solid one is clearly stronger. 
The reason you see so many hollow sections is that they have an incredibly higher strength/weight ratio and can resist the same load with much less material used.

3. What will be the difference in torsional strength of hollow shaft & solid shaft of same outer diameter at equal load.

 Compare the polar moment of inertia of the solid cross section to the hollow cross section. You’ll find that the difference between the two is equal to the polar moment of inertia of the portion removed from the hollow section.
The deflection of the shaft under a torsional load would be the product of the torsional load and the length of the shaft divided by the product of Polar Moment of inertia and modulus of rigidity of the shaft: theta=TL/JG.

4. What are the units for Poisson’s ratio?
It is a unit less quantity. Because it is one quantity divided by another quantity of the same units. 
In fact, even the parent quantities that define Poisson’s ratio are unit less. Strain has no units.

5. What is the difference between Stress and Pressure?
Stress=Resistive force/Area.
Stress is pull force and Pressure is push force.
1.Heat Treatment Process HRC Stands for
2.Material OHNS Stands for
HRC Stands for –Rockwell Hardness C scale
OHNS Stands for — Oil Hardenable Non Shrinkage steel

6. Function of Fly wheel
Flywheel stores the Kinetic Energy during the idle portion of the work cycle,and delivers this Kinetic Energy during peak-load.

7. Bullet Proof Glass is made up of which material?
Bulletproof glass is usually constructed using a strong but transparent material such as polycarbonate thermoplastic or by using layers of laminated glass. The desired result is a material with an appearance and light-transmitting behavior of standard glass but offers varying degrees of protection from small arms fire. The polycarbonate layer, usually consisting of products  such as Cyrolon, Lexan and Tuffak, is often sandwiched between layers of regular glass. The use of plastic in the laminate provides impact-resistance, such as physical assault with a hammer, an axe, etc. The plastic provides little in the way of bullet-resistance. The glass, which is much harder than plastic, flattens the bullet and thereby prevents penetration. This type of bullet-resistant glass is usually 70-75 mm thick.

8. Difference between Performance and Efficiency?
Performance is the measure of quality of the work done by any machine. better  the quality better will be the performance of that machine. while efficiency is the ratio of desired output to the required input for any machine.
Performance is about the quality that a machine or plant is producing suppose there are two machines, first produces the job of accuracy .002mm and the second one produce product of the accuracy .001mm. then the second one will have higher performance.  while efficiency is the ratio of the o/p to the i/p. if same machines are producing 200 and 100 product per day respectively for the same i/p,then the eff. of the first machine will be high.

9. What are the causes of main engine black smoke?
There is many cause of black smoke.
1. It’s improper mixture of fuel supply by carburetor like very rich mixture so the fuel improper burn.
2. It’s when piston or piston ring is fail so back side cooling oil release in combustion chamber it cause black smoke.
3. Improper ignition system like not sufficient time of pressure rise delay period .

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Any one know about the Sketch Tracer - Catia?

                     How the Sketch Tracer module can be used in the Shape fly out


Shape tracer is used to insert the all views in the work space in a 2d image format.

This tool is most useful to trace the given bosy in 2d sketch views

                                            Preview image of the module in catia

Here we found a tutorial how to use the free form feature from the internet.

Click the link :


Click here

This tutorial will be useful to the designers.

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Friday, January 10, 2014


                                       Here is a drawing test in Catia 


                                                         Click the image to enlarge it

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1. What is thickness of surfaces?

    Infinitely less

2. What is hybrid modeling?

    Mixture of solid & surface modeling.

 3. Is it possible to set default co lour for surface?

    Yes, we can set default colors for surface.

4. What is use of 'Federation' option in join?

    The purpose of federation is to regroup several elements making up joined surface or curve.

    This is especially useful when modifying linked geometry to avoid respecifying all the input


  5.What is default value for distance objectives in join command?


6. How does the nearest in project command will affect?

    It will show it's significance when there are more than one profile in a single sketch if we

    want to projects all of them on a surface then we have to uncheck it, otherwise the only

    profile, which is nearer to the surface, will get projected & others will not

7. Is it possible to perform a shell operation on a sphere?

    Yes, we can shell a sphere. For this, we need to just select SHELL command & give wall

    thickness. If we select the sphere as object to be shelled then it will show some error & we

    cannot shell it.

8. What is healing of geometry?

    This task shows how to heal surfaces, that is how to fill any (slight) gap that may be

    appealing b/w 2 surfaces.

9. What are distance objectives (in healing)?

    It is the maximum gap allowed b/w 2 healed elements.

10.What is 'Freeze elements' in healing?

    If this option is checked, the healing operation will not affect the selected elements under

    'freeze elements'.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014


1. How do I create a plane at angles to another plane?
    Using the option Angle/normal to plane in PLANE command.

2. What are the different types of coupling modes are there in loft?
    Ratio, Verticles, Tangency discontinuity, curvature then tangency Discontinuity.

3. What is the significance of specified representation in PATTERN?
    With this you can make any object invisible.

4. How I can place the instances on both sides of original feature?
    Using Row 1 & Row 2 options.

5. Is it possible to pattern the two or more features at a time?
    Yes (by multi selecting the features & then selecting the pattern command)

6. What is meaning of 'explode' in pattern?
    Deactivating the link b/w patterns & makes them as independent entities.

7. What are all the limitations of User Features Creations (UFC) as compared with the power copy?
  1. In UFC datum's cannot be used as inputs of the features.
  2. Sub-elements cannot be used as inputs of the features Ex. The face of a pad cannot be used as input.
  3. When creating a user features, it is not possible to edit (add/remove) inputs once you leave the DEFINITION Dialog tab. Click the CANCEL button and create the new user feature creation.

8. What is 'Keep angle' in rib & slot?
    'Keep angle' option in ribs &slots lets us to keep angle value between the sketch plane used
    for the profile & the tangent of the center curve.

9. Which is the better option to split which a solid: - a) surface b) plane c) face?
    Plane is the best option to split solid.

10. Is it possible to split using the SEW operation?

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Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Here is your another Drawing test.

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                        Here is some part modelling interview questions-Part -II
1. What is power copy?
    Power copy is a set of features that are grouped under to use in different context& having
    the capability to adapt changes when pasted.

2. What is user feature creation (UFC)?
    Create hybrid feature, intended to be stored in catalogues and can be instantiated later on.

3.What is the use of the option 'Duplicate data in CATIA model' in design table?
    Check this box when you intend to reuse your document on an opening system different
    from the one, which is used to create the design table.

4.Is it possible to add some more parameters to pre-existing design table?
    Yes, we can add parameter to the exiting design table with of ASSOCIATE option.

5.What are the different options in PASTE SPECIAL?
    As result:- In this option the copied feature having neither link nor the design specification
    of the original one.
    As result with link:- In this option the copied feature will be having link with the original
    one but not the design specification of the original one.
    As specified in part document:- In this option, the copied feature will be having both the
    link and design specification of the original one.

6. It is possible to create negative body?
    Yes, using INSERT menu & INSERT BODY option

7. What is use of REMOVE LUMP?
    Removing of material that is not physically connected to any body.

8. What is Reframe on & center graph?
    REFRAME:- Zooms on particular object selected CENTER GRAPH Bring the selected
    features to the center screen in the specification tree.

9. What is the use of 'REORDER'?
    The capability of REORDER command allows us to rectify design mistakes by reordering

10. What is the use of PULLING DIRECTION IN Rib option?
    It sweeps the profile with respect to a specified direction. To select this direction, select a
    plane or an edge.

More Questions continued ....

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Saturday, January 4, 2014




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    Computer Aided (Design/Manufacturing/Engineering). Product Life cycle Management/ 
    Product Data Management/ Virtual Product Module/ Virtual Product data management/ 
Computational Fluid Dynamics.

2. Is it Possible to create pocket or groove as first features?
    Yes, it is possible.(body concept)

3. How to give tolerance to particular dimension?
    First, give the dimension & using right click select ADD TOLERANCE from the contextual 
    menu & specify the tolerance.

4. What is use of creating datum?
    Deactivates the link between parts.

5. Can you pad open &intersecting profile?
    Possible for open profile with thin pad option. Not possible with intersecting profile.

6. Can I take portion of the one sketch for creating pad?
    Yes, using the MULTIPAD option OR using simple PAD and in simple PAD select GOTO 
    PROFILE option.

    It performs drafting, pocket& filleting simultaneously.

8. Can we use arc as axis for creating shaft feature?
    No, we cannot use an arc as axis for creating shaft feature.

9. What kind of profile should be there for creating stiffener?
    We can use Wire frame geometry or sub elements of a sketch. Profile may be open or 
    closed but condition is that closed profile's extrusion must be normal to sketch.

10. Can we give two different angles for same face of solid by using draft option?
    No, it is not possible to give 2 different angles for same face of solid by using draft option 
    but it is possible if we use "ADVANCED DRAFT"

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Friday, January 3, 2014


                                      Here are some interview questions for CATIA V5
1. Where do we use axis?
    Axis is used in creating shaft (revolved) feature.

2. Can we redefine the sketches?

3. Can axis be converted into line or vice versa?
    We can convert line into axis but axis cannot convert into line.

4. How many axis can be created in a single sketch?
    Only one axis can be created in a sketch, if more than one axis are drawn then only one of
    them, the latest one, will be axis and others will be converted into reference elements.

5. How do we change, sketch's reference plane?
    Right click on the sketch whose reference plane is to be changed and select the change
    reference plane and then select new reference.

6. What is the function of mirror command in sketch?
    Mirror command in sketch will create a copy of the sketch about a reference plane.

7. If I donor want the relation b/w original and mirrored elements what should I do?
    Explore and the relation b/w the original and mirror element doesn't exit.

8. What is the use of isolate in sketcher workbench?
    Isolated is used when 3D geometry is projected on to a sketch in order to be modified and
    used as part of the sketch's profile.

9. Can we select non-planer surf ace as sketch plane?
    No, we cannot select a non-planar surface as sketch.

10. What are the different options available in quick trim command?
    BREAK & RUBBER in removes part of the element, which is clicked.
    BREAK & RUBBER out removes part of the element, which is not clicked.
    BREAK & KEEP keeps both parts of elements after breaking.

11. What do CATIA P1, CATIA P2 AND CATIA P3 mean?
    P1, P2 and P3 will indicate the different types of platforms of CATIA. Higher the number
    sophisticated will be the software.

12. What is kernel?
    The kernel is the basic indispensable part of an operating system that allocates resources
    such as low-level hardware interfaces & security.

13. What is the kernel of CATIA?

14. Is it possible to directly enter the part design workbench, when we start the CATIA session, instead of assembly design workbench?
    No, we cannot enter directly into the part design.

15. What is the importance of sketch tools?
    This tool bar only appears when you are in sketcher workbench. The four tools found in
    this tool bar are toggle tools. When tool is highlighted the tool is on. This particular tool
    bar changes depending on what other sketcher workbench tool is currently selected.

16. How many degrees of freedom are there for points, lines, circles & ellipse in 2 dimensions?
    Degree of freedom for points & ellipse is 2 for circles it is 3 & for ellipse it is 5 in two

17. What is the meaning of mean dimension?
    Mean dimension is the dimension that should be mean of all the dimensions, which are

18. How many types of environment are available to start CATIA?
  1. From desktop (motif)
  2. From console (dterm)
19. What is hlr & nhr? What is their purpose?
    Hlr = hidden line removal
    Nhr = no hidden line removal
    Their purpose to visualize the solids in diffent modes.

20. What are Master W/S and Detail W/S?
Each model can have one Maser Workspace, in which the model is created & manipulated. A model can have zero or more workspaces called detail workspaces. These are auxiliary workspaces, contain elements that are to be duplicated to several locations in he Master. workspace. In addition, Detail workspace can also be organized into separate Library files using the LIBRARY FUNCTION. These can be shared with models to Allow Organizational standardization 

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                                           DRAW THE GIVEN DIAGRAM IN CATIA


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Thursday, January 2, 2014


                             HERE IS THE ICON LIST OF CATIA AND ITS NAMES

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