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Difference between new file and new from file?
you save an exiting file in another directory without changing the file
name, you will only be able to open one of these files at any given
time. If one of them is already open you will not be able to open the
others. This is because both files have same UUID.
To avoid this happening each file must have it's own UUID. This can be done by means of the File New from.
create a new document whose basic Characteristics are same as an
exiting document? To do this close document you want to copy if not
already closed & select file… New from… After selecting the exiting
document from which you want to create a new one & Click open. An
exact copy of existing document is displayed with a default name. The
only difference between this document and already exiting one is that
the new document is new UUID by File--- new from.
Difference between geometrical & dimensional constraints?
constraint is a relationship that forces a limitation between one or
more Geometric elements. Dimensional constraint is a constraint, whose
value determines the geometric object measurement.
Difference between stacked dimension & chained dimension mode while using auto
Constraint option?
stacked dimension all the dimensions will be measured with respect to
the reference. In chained dimension the dimensions will be measured one
with respect to other.
is the difference between symmetry command and mirror command?
In Symmetry command, the original sketch is deleted and the new one is created
the reference plane but with the help of mirror command we can retain
both the new one and the original sketch about the reference plane.
Difference between trim and quick trim?
trim option, we can extended a line along with trimming of other
unwanted elements, in quick trim we can only trim a line or curve and we
cannot extend or shorten it.
Difference between axis and construction elements?
is visible in part design mode and can be selected but construction
elements are invisible in part design mode and are not selectable.
What is the difference between spine and spline?
SPINE: - creates a curve passing through a point on a plane &normal to one or more other planes.
SPLINE: - Creates A Curve passing through several points having tangential curvature continuity.
What is the difference between ISOLATE &SEPARATE?
ISOLATE: deletes logical link between the elements
SEPARATE: separate lines, curves &faces from their links with others.
Elements: EX:- A curve is considered as separate when it is linked to only one surface.
What is the difference between PARAMETRIC SOLIDS &NON-PARAMETRIC SOLIDS?
SOLID:-Relational model is parametric i.e. One to one relation if any
change in dimension that may reflects on other dimensions.
NON-PARAMETRIC SOLIDS:- developing a solid by using surface ,face, solid primitive etc, there is no one to one relation.
Difference b/w PAD &MULTIPAD?
A pad is used for single profile & multipad is used for multi profile sketch.
What is difference b/w creating design table from current parameters &from pre existing file?
design table from current parameter values: - check this option when
you want to create a design table from a subset of the document
parameters you just have to select among all the document parameter
design table from pre existing file: - check this option when you want
to create a design table from the values of an external file.
Difference b/w PASTE & PASTE SPECIAL?
PASTE: - option in contextual menu enable us to simply copy and paste one location to other. But
option let the original one and us to maintained link b/w pasted
feature. Any changes made to the original features, will be seen in the
copied if we want & we have liberty to delink the original &
copied feature.
How do you differentiate positive and negative body?
positive body is the one which when assembled with another body it gets
added and negative body is the one which when ASSEMBLED with a positive
body wile get subtracted & it will get added if BOOLEAN OPERATION,
ADD is used instead of ASSEMBLE
What is the differences b/w assemble & add /remove?
ASSEMBLE the nature of the bodies to be assemble are taken in to
account. It means, if a negative body is assembled with a positive body
it gets subtracted. But if we use add command for the same to bodies
then they will get added irrespective of their nature
(+ Ve or –ve) nature REMOVE COMMAND is same as that of the ADD & thus it will not respect the nature of the bodies.
What is the difference b/w affinity &scaling?
SCALING: - resizing the body to the scale that you specify, in all the directions equally.
AFFINITY: - resizing the body the scale which
you specify, in a particular directions only, specified by you.
What is the difference b/w join & heal? Using
join command we can join the surfaces & using the heal command we
can fill the small gap b/w the surfaces.
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