Friday, January 17, 2014



                                    ASSEMBLY DESIGN WORK BENCH  NO. 002

What is PLM?
    Product Life Cycle Management: Product Life Cycle Management is the succession of
    strategies used by management as a product goes through its lifecycle.

 What is difference between Product & Component?
    Product is a collection of components. Whereas component is a collection of features.

 What is visualization mode?
    In this mode, only partial data is loaded to the memory of the hard disk. The data will be in
    the sellated form we cannot give constraints to the components in this mode.

What is save extension of assembly file?
    . CAT Product

What is design mode?
    In this mode the data is fully loaded to the memory & we can work on the components. The
    components in visualization mode can be brought into design mode by just double clicking
    on the components but vice versa is not possible by just double clicking.

When we use propagate directory?
    In save management, when we want to save the component files in the same file in which
    product is saved then we use PROPAGATE DIRECTORY. Then automatically the entire
    child files will be propagated to that particular directory.

What is a scene? Where we use it give any one example?
    Scenes enable capturing & restoring the state of components in an assembly in a saved

How many degrees of freedom will be there for any component in an assembly?
    Six degrees of freedom will be there for any constrained component in an assembly.

In an assembly how do I measure degree of freedom of component?
    Activate the component & then go for ANALYZE Degrees of freedom.

What is use of stop manipulated on clash command?
    It will stop the movement of component when clashed, in compass assisted movement.

What is the function of 'overload properties' in contextual menu?
    It gives away us the option not to copy a particular component into the drafting from
    assembly by just selecting it (the particular component) using the contextual menu with '
    overload properties'.

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