Saturday, February 22, 2014


                                 Here are some of the difference b/w in CATIA

1. What is the difference b/w save, save as, save all &save management?
            Save: - using this option we save all the currently opened / modified files by old name.
          Save as: - using this option using this option which are currently opened/ modified by different name other than the earlier one.
           Save all: - using this option we can save all the files, even though which are not opened.
         Save management: - the flexibility of the option 'save management' lies in the saving of the all files under different names & in different directories simultaneously.

2. What is the difference b/w coincidence & contact constrain?
        Coincide type constraint are used to align elements, depending upon selected elements you may obtain  CONCENTRICITY, COAXIALITY or COPLANRITY…to create coincidence constrain b/w a whole system their must have the same direction & same orientation in product.
        Contact type constraint can be created b/w two planes, faces (directed planes)
The common area b/w two planar faces can be plane (plane contact), a line (line contact) or a point (point contact) …

3. What is the differences b/w parametric &non-parametric modeling?
        Relational model is parametric i.e., one to one relation. If any change in dimension that may reflects on the other dimensions.
Developing a solid by using surfaces, face & solid primitives etc. there is no one to one relation is called non parametric modeling.

4.       PART: - within the assembly workbench, it is either a part of the part design workbench, or; 3D entity  whose geometry is contained in a model.
         COMPONENT: - A reverence integrated in an assembly. A component possesses characteristics related to how it is integrated in an assembly. (EX: - its relative location in an assembly). 
            PRODUCT: - a 3D entity which contains several components.

5.   What is the difference b/w POWER COPY & UFC?
     Parameters can be edited in power copy, which is not possible in UFC.
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