Friday, February 28, 2014


                                        Here is a Knurling process in Catia


Knurling can be done in CATIA using SLOT icon in the module WIREFRAME AND SURFACE DESIGN

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Thursday, February 27, 2014


                      Here are some Catia Infotech Interview Questions

1)   What is PLM?
Product Life Cycle Management:  Product Life Cycle Management is the succession of
strategies used by management as a product goes through its lifecycle.

2)  What is difference between Product & Component?
Product is a collection of components. Whereas component is a collection of features.

3)  What is visualization mode?
In this mode, only partial data is loaded to the memory of the hard disk. The data will be in
the sellated form we cannot give constraints to the components in this mode.

4)  What is save extension of assembly file?
. CAT Product

5)   What is design mode?
In this mode the data is fully loaded to the memory & we can work on the components. The
components in visualization mode can be brought into design mode by just double clicking
on the components but vice versa is not possible by just double clicking.

6)  When we use propagate directory?
In save management, when we want to save the component files in the same file in which
product is saved then we use PROPAGATE DIRECTORY. Then automatically the entire
child files will be propagated to that particular directory.

7)  What is a scene? Where we use it give any one example?
Scenes enable capturing & restoring the state of components in an assembly in a saved

8) How many degrees of freedom will be there for any component in an assembly?
Six degrees of freedom will be there for any constrained component in an assembly.

9)  In an assembly how do I measure degree of freedom of component?
Activate the component & then go for ANALYZE Degrees of freedom.

10) What is use of stop manipulated on clash command?
It will stop the movement of component when clashed, in compass assisted movement.

11) What is the function of ‘overload properties’ in contextual menu?
It gives away us the option not to copy a particular component into the drafting from
assembly by just selecting it (the particular component) using the contextual menu with ‘
overload properties’.

12) What is DESK command?
This command shows us how to view the relationship between different documents & to
obtain information about their properties. (Uncheck tools>options
BLACK-not loaded in the current session.
RED-not been found.

13)  Different types of CACHE?
LOCAL CACHE: – A read or writes directory located locally on your machine & used to store CGR files. The first time a component is inserted it is tessellated. This means that the corresponding CGR file is computed & saved in the local cache as well as displayed in the document window. The next time this components is required, the CGR file which already exists (& not the original document) is automatically loaded from the local CACHE. The user is normally responsible for the local cache. RELEASED CACHE: – A read only cache that can be located any where on your network, several directories can be defined for RELEASED CACHE. If a CGR file cannot be found in the local CACHE, the software browses the released cache directories in their listed order to see if the CGR file is located in any of them. If the CGR file is still not found, the component is tessellated & the resulting CGR file is saved in the local CACHE. The site ‘administrator’ is normally responsible for the released CACHE. The default maximum CACHE size is 500MB. When the maximum size is exceeded, the automatic deletion of CGR files (on first in/first out basis) is triggered.
14) About EDIT –LINKS?

This task shows how to display the document links. Only direct links i.e.,
External documents directly pointed to by the active document can be displayed using the
EDIT-LINKS command. This activated inactive document must be activating before
displaying their links. Note that you can also an element from the graph to display its links.

15) What is CSG tree?

CSG = Constructive Solid Geometry it is equivalent to specification tree in CATIA V5.
16) What CGR stands for?

CGR = Catia Graphic Representation.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2014


                         Here are BASIC interview questions for CATIA.

                                                    Some questions may be repeated

1. what is the carnal for catia?

2. What is positioned sketch?
Ans: you can can orient a sketch plane according to your requirement then you can sketch its positioned sketch.

3. what is sketch analysis?
Ans: Sketch analysis is used to check the profile is open or close, and to convert some profiles in to Reference elements and to delete. and also used to check the sketch is constrained or not.

4. What do you mean by constraining a sketch?
Ans: arresting the degrees of freedom of a sketch.

5. How many degrees of freedom are there for a line in 2D
Ans: 2 Degrees of Freedom (one along Horizontal and another along Vertical)

6. Can you create a pad using open profile:
Ans: yes, by checking thick option in pad you can extrude any open profile using pad.

7. What are the uses of guide curve and coupling curves in loft or multi section solid.
Ans: Guide curves are used to give a shape to a solid and couplings are used to get number of edges on solid.

8. what is trim ribbons?
Ans: O remove an overlapping material in edge fillets by using trim ribbons we can trim the over lapping material.

9. what is the difference between Mirror and Symmetry?
Ans: Symmetry is used to translate the features about a point or line or plane. Mirror is used to translate a single or multiple features on the other side of plane.
we cannot take point or line an mirror reference always it should be a plane or planer surface.

10. what is Power copy ?
Ans: power copy is a feature we can copy and save the list of features and when ever you need in same part or in different part you can call and insert it.

11. What is the difference between UFC and Power copy?
Ans: When we creating both its same but when you insert a UFC you will get only feature and its parameters you can edit the parameters. when you inserting power copy you will get both Feature and Sketch both.

12. can you edit UFC after inserting?
Ans: YES

13. How may types of Assemblies are there?
Ans: 2 types , i) Top-down ii) Bottom-Up
14. What is the difference between Component and Product?
Ans: Both are used to create a sub assemblies , when you create a sub assembly using component you can use within a assembly file you cant use it in another assembly. but when you create a sub-assembly using Product you can use in another file and even you can save it as a separate product file but you cant save as a separate assembly if you use component option.

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                    Here is a drawing test for Catia users

               Try to draw the given Tank in CATIA and post your .CATPART files in the comment box.

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Monday, February 24, 2014


Design the given 3D Component in CATIA


Assume the dimensions

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Here are some Interview Questions For CAD to attend INFOTECH ENTERPRISES

Source :

1. Tell me about yourself?
2. What can you do for Infotech Enterprises that other candidates can’t?
3. How would your past experience translate into success in this job?
4. Explain how you would be an asset to Infotech Enterprises?
5. What do you know about Infotech Enterprises?
6. Why do you want to work for Infotech Enterprises?
7. Do you know anyone who works for Infotech Enterprises?
8. Why should Infotech Enterprises hire you?
9. What can you do for this company?
10. Please tell me some products/services of Infotech Enterprises in the market? What are likes/dislikes of    them?
11. If you worked for Infotech Enterprises, what are you doing?
12. Please tell me some products/services that are competitors of Infotech Enterprises’s in the market? And what are differences?
13. What experience do you have in this field?
14. Do you consider yourself successful?
15. What have you done to improve your knowledge in the last year?
16. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you?
17. Have you ever been asked to leave a position?
18. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization?
19. Tell me about a suggestion you have made?
20. Why do you think you would do well at this job?

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Saturday, February 22, 2014

How to Pad test in CATIA

Now sketch text in catia and pad or make use of suitable icons in part


1. Write the text in the Drafting and save it in .dxf format

2. Go back to the part and paste the test

3. Now pad the test as like you want.

Thus text is brought to the PART module

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                                                Here is a Casting component drawing. Try it out in Catia
    Source :

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                                 Here are some of the difference b/w in CATIA

1. What is the difference b/w save, save as, save all &save management?
            Save: - using this option we save all the currently opened / modified files by old name.
          Save as: - using this option using this option which are currently opened/ modified by different name other than the earlier one.
           Save all: - using this option we can save all the files, even though which are not opened.
         Save management: - the flexibility of the option 'save management' lies in the saving of the all files under different names & in different directories simultaneously.

2. What is the difference b/w coincidence & contact constrain?
        Coincide type constraint are used to align elements, depending upon selected elements you may obtain  CONCENTRICITY, COAXIALITY or COPLANRITY…to create coincidence constrain b/w a whole system their must have the same direction & same orientation in product.
        Contact type constraint can be created b/w two planes, faces (directed planes)
The common area b/w two planar faces can be plane (plane contact), a line (line contact) or a point (point contact) …

3. What is the differences b/w parametric &non-parametric modeling?
        Relational model is parametric i.e., one to one relation. If any change in dimension that may reflects on the other dimensions.
Developing a solid by using surfaces, face & solid primitives etc. there is no one to one relation is called non parametric modeling.

4.       PART: - within the assembly workbench, it is either a part of the part design workbench, or; 3D entity  whose geometry is contained in a model.
         COMPONENT: - A reverence integrated in an assembly. A component possesses characteristics related to how it is integrated in an assembly. (EX: - its relative location in an assembly). 
            PRODUCT: - a 3D entity which contains several components.

5.   What is the difference b/w POWER COPY & UFC?
     Parameters can be edited in power copy, which is not possible in UFC.
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